Emerald Stone (Panna) is a Precious Green color Gemstone that represents Planet Mercury. The Planet Mercury signifies Intelligence, Love, Education, Business, and Fortune. This Planet is acknowledged to be, Planet of Love or Prince of Planets. By Wearing, Emerald Gemstone gives complete Peace of Mind by increasing the level of Tolerance. It also Generates a better understanding in the Family for harmonious relationships. A Person who is in Politics, or Orators or if they work in Business, or Public relations must wear Emerald Stone to get the best results. Emeralds will benefit people who are Writers, Politicians, Leaders, Musicians, Founders of Educational Institutions, Public Speakers, Judges, Government Officers, Architects, Auditors, Shippers, Bankers, Financiers & Students. Emerald possesses exceptional healing powers to Enhance Blood Circulation, and Control Diseases & support good Health. It relieves insomnia and negativity from the mind. Emerald Stone (Panna) is a Precious Green color Gemstone that represents Planet Mercury. The Planet Mercury signifies Intelligence, Love, Education, Business, and Fortune. This Planet is acknowledged to be, Planet of Love or Prince of Planets. By Wearing, Emerald Gemstone gives complete Peace of Mind by increasing the level of Tolerance. It also Generates a better understanding in the Family for harmonious relationships. A Person who is in Politics, or Orators or if they work in Business, or Public relations must wear Emerald Stone to get the best results. Emeralds will benefit people who are Writers, Politicians, Leaders, Musicians, Founders of Educational Institutions, Public Speakers, Judges, Government Officers, Architects, Auditors, Shippers, Bankers, Financiers & Students. Emerald possesses exceptional healing powers to Enhance Blood Circulation, and Control Diseases & support good Health. It relieves insomnia and negativity from the mind.Tiger's Eye is a lucky stone that attracts fortune. It was used in ancient cultures to bring protection and victory during war. You will notice that most people place it in their doorways to bring financial stability and success. Wearing Tiger's Eye can also bring luck to zodiac signs like Gemini.